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For 16 - 17" Sasha, Kish Jo, 4 Seasons, etc.

Smocked green print dress with collar, size 40
1 item(s)

Smocked green batik dress with pink rosebuds, size 40
9 item(s)

Smocked dusty aqua floral print dress with pink rosebuds on bodice, size 40
9 item(s)

Smocked lilac floral print dress, lined bodice, size 40
Out of stock


Green print sundress with pink smocking, size 40

3 item(s)


Long sleeve royal blue t-shirt with pretty floral print lining at the top, size 40, three buttons in back, fits Sasha, REDUCED PRICE

9 item(s)


Long sleeve navy t-shirt, size 40, three buttons in back, fits Sasha, REDUCED PRICE

6 item(s)


Long sleeve blue t-shirt, size 40, three buttons in back, fits Sasha, REDUCED PRICE

5 item(s)


Long sleeve red t-shirt, size 40, three buttons in back, fits Sasha.   NOTE:  This is a beautiful blue-red color; it is much prettier than the camera was able to capture.  REDUCED PRICE

1 item(s)


Long sleeve pink t-shirt, size 40, three buttons in back, fits Sasha, REDUCED PRICE

5 item(s)


Smocked pink batik dress with rosebuds, size 40

3 item(s)


White and blue floral print dress, with blue smocking and pink rosebuds, size 40

8 item(s)